Photos, video, audios, documents, emails, etc.
When you switch your phone from Android to iPhone, it is possible to take every data from your previous phone to the current one. Why you need Backuptrans for transferring WhatsApp from Android to iPhone?
Backuptrans is indeed a wonderful software which could potentially help in making this task much easier.

However, this task can be simplified by making use of Backuptrans. When it comes it taking data from an Android into the iPhone, then it might be a troublesome little task. WhatsApp is one of the most common and useful mobile apps whose backup becomes really crucial. When we switch our phone, it becomes important to take the backup from the previous phone so that we do not lose anything important which was saved in it.

Also, we use these applications for work purpose also, for communicating with the customers or clients along with keeping the record of such conversations. There are numerous mobile applications available now, which offers to get in touch with friends or family in the simplest way. Now a day, mobile phones are so advanced that sometimes people prefer this device over their PCs. If we look at the use of mobile phones 2-3 decades before, it was just a piece of technology which was not more than just a source of communication. From personal use to carrying out operations in the large multinational, mobile phones have been playing the generous part. We have begun to rely heavily on technology because of various reasons.